project management servicesWhat Are Project Management Services? Project managers and consultants specialize in the planning, coordination, and execution of projects of a business based on clearly outlined strategic objectives, requirements and specific constraints.

Benefits of Manufacturing Project Management

Contracting project management services in your industry can improve the efficiency of your company and help your bottom line. Manufacturing project management often utilizes lean principles, and for that reason many lean consulting firms offering project management services can be an important if not essential asset to manufacturing project management.

Our expert team of project managers, consultants and engineers work with you through the initial planning process to explore and discover unique and innovative engineering solutions for your most complex projects.

Managing Manufacturing Projects

Managing a manufacturing facility requires state-of-the-art technology, efficient use of space and dynamic prototype designs. While there are many ways that you can update your process to improve your bottom line, we help you specialize in one or more of these services:

  • Program management services
  • Racking and storage systems
  • Full-service equipment change management
  • Shop floor layout designs

Our program management and project management services start with your trouble point in the manufacturing process. Then, we bring our expert team of engineers and designers to work with you from the initial analysis, research, and planning stages to find a unique solution to ensure you reach your goals. Goals in manufacturing typically have to do with completing the project on time and within budget.

Integrating Warehousing and Distribution Projects

Modern project management services turn outdated warehouses and distribution facilities into well-oiled machines. A single inefficiency in your distribution and storage process can result in delayed shipments, missing components and a disorganized warehouse. Our management service team offers these competitive services for your industry:

  • MES, or manufacturing execution systems, implementation
  • Simulation engineering
  • Supply chain consulting
  • Mechanical engineering consulting
  • Comprehensive project management services

Our MES implementation starts with an evaluation of your existing facility. We move through the tracking and tracing steps to provide you with a product performance analysis. From there, we can recommend and offer management changes that help your company complete your projects on time, efficiently and without any unexpected and costly suprises.

Simulation engineering is a highly effective way to test out a particular machine, equipment or planning strategy before investing in a full-scale redesign of your facility. Through simulations, you can determine the most effective and cost efficient course of action in the event of unforeseen difficulties.

While a simulation can’t predict the future, it can prepare you for a wide range of possible or plausible situations your facility may face. By organizing, training and preparing for difficult situations, a team of project managers can assist and provide a layer of protection for your growing facility.

Manufacturing Project Management

Contact DSI today for more information on our expert project management services today.