Quality System Upgrade

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Optimized work station


Pentium-Based Architecture Development


Chrysler Corp.


  • Identify and evaluate alternatives for implementing a PentiurnlNT-based system for Chrysler Information Systems.
  • On an operational level, develop a method of containing problems wIThin the workstation where a defect occurs, or inside a group of workstations within the assembly. Ensure that defects are attributed to the proper vehicle through a tracking image that is integral to the vehicle 10.
  • Develop and implement a ‘next-generation’ ALS (Automatic Une Stop) system that is PentiurnlNT-based and user-friendly, and that offers effective and efficient operator communications. Provide appropriate hardware and software to interface ALS WITh the quality system.
  • Using Belvedere as the beta SITe, complete the transition from the existing PLC-based Quality Alert System (QAS) to the new PentiurnlNT-based system. Integrate the new archITecture WITh related plant systems.
  • Concurrently, engineer and implement an automatic vehicle identification system (AVI), and new plant communications protocols.


QAS encompasses the floor and middleware layers of Chrysler’s quality system, linking operator actions, tool faults, and other events with supervisor actions, upper-level controls, and plant communications. Its apex is the corporation’s Performance Feedback System, a mainframe application that maintains quality documentation for assembly operations.

Design Systems identified practical alternatives and evaluated
with the customer, the best design concepts. The advanced
PC-based QAS architecture uses Allen-Bradley’s SoftLogix 5

“Bottom Line” Results

  • Successful installation at Belvedere in 1998 paved the way for corporate-wide implementation.
  • Among the most direct benefits is the ability to reconfigure the QAS system remotely from most anywhere on the globe.